

4 Jahre RtCW4ever

Published in General News


Die Zeit rennt und rennt und ehe man sich versieht ist es wieder soweit.
4 Jahre ! ist RtCW4ever nun schon für euch da. Unser kleines bescheidenes 3-Mann-Team möchte sich für die Treue bei euch allen herzlichst bedanken!

Auch in diesem Jahr werden wir euch weiterhin mit News, Infos und Downloads zu Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Enemy Territory und Wolfenstein versorgen. Desweiteren gibt es, wie gehabt, aktuelle News aus der Szene, zu PC-Hard- & Software und diversen neuen Games.

An dieser Stelle möchten wir auch nochmal auf unser Wolfenstein-Hauptquartier Forum hinweisen. Dort bekommt Ihr nützliche Tips und Hilfe bei Problemen, rund um die Wolfenstein-Games.

Danke nochmal an alle und weiterhin viel Spaß (mit uns) ! 

Euer RtCW4ever-Team
Egal, Michael und Dexi

18th anniversary of RtCW

Published in RtCW Misc

Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is 18 years old. RtCW, developed by ID Software, published by Activision, was released to the North American market on November 19th, 2001.

Release date(s):
Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Enjoy remaining RtCW time!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein WIKI

Movie in memory of the great time on the RtCW KT-Clan fun server

Happy 15th birthday, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!

Splash Damage's first game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - was released exactly FIFTEEN YEARS ago. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was born on 29/05/2003.

The game uses a modified Return to Castle Wolfenstein engine, itself being a heavily modified Quake III: Team Arena engine (id Tech 3, which has been open-source since 2005).

Enjoy remaining ET time!

Source: splashdamage.com

ET FULL VERSION 2.60 Version:2.60
Author SplashDamage Date 31.03.2009 Filesize 263 MB Download 2420

Author dexter Date 19.04.2009 Filesize 6,400 MB Download 732

Wolfenstein.pl 5th birthday!

Published in ET Misc

On 16 August celebrates the poland ET ​​/ Wolfenstein news and community website, its 5th birthday.


ET server ip:

Am 16. August, feiert die polnische ET/Wolfenstein News und Community Webseite, ihren 5. Jahrestag!

Alles Gute!

Source: wolfenstein.pl


16th anniversary of RtCW

Published in RtCW Misc

Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is 16 years old. RtCW, developed by ID Software, published by Activision, was released to the North American market on November 19th, 2001.

Release date(s):
Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Enjoy remaining RtCW time!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein WIKI

Movie in memory of the great time on the RtCW KT-Clan server


IC-clan celebrating 10th Anniversary

Published in ET Scene
The IC-clan is celebrating its 10th Anniversary! - On this occasion, the former ET server "Noob Graveyard" again for you online with the best old maps.
We hope you enjoy!

Der IC-Clan feiert seinen 10. Jahrestag! - Zu diesem Anlass, ist der damalige ET-Server "Noob Graveyard" mit den Besten alten Maps, wieder für euch online.
Wir wünschen euch viel Spass!
Server: =)IC(= n00b GrAveYarD - ETPRO
IP: from 4th - 9th December
Quelle: ic-clan.de | boOnvia 

15 Years Wolfenstein4ever

Published in General News

Wolfenstein4ever celebrates 15th anniversary - Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory are still alive, thanks to a hard-working community, faithful players, some websites and the fact that there are still no new comparable MP game.

Stay healthy and have fun on the currently quite full Wolfgame servers! ;-)
PS: Not much has changed here this year, sorry for that! Better times will come again, I promise O:-)

 Wolfenstein4ever feiert 15 jähriges bestehen - Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory leben immer noch, dank fleißiger Community, treuen Spielern, einigen Webseiten und der Tatsache, das es immer noch kein neues vergleichbares MP-Game gibt.

Bleibt gesund und habt viel Spaß, auf den zur Zeit bedingten, recht vollen Wolfgame-Servern! ;-)
PS: In diesem Jahr hat sich hier nicht viel geändert, tut mir leid. Es werden wieder bessere Zeiten kommen, das verspreche ich O:-)

d3Xter @ Wolfenstein4ever

Happy 16th birthday, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!

Splash Damage's first game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - was released exactly SIXTEEN YEARS ago. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was born on 29/05/2003.
The game uses a modified Return to Castle Wolfenstein engine, itself being a heavily modified Quake III: Team Arena engine (id Tech 3, which has been open-source since 2005).

Enjoy remaining ET time.

Source: splashdamage.com

ET FULL VERSION 2.60 Version:2.60
Author SplashDamage Date 31.03.2009 Filesize 263 MB Download 2420

Author dexter Date 19.04.2009 Filesize 6,400 MB Download 732

Enemy Territory 2 - A Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Remake Project

Long-time "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" fan and member of the "Crossfire.nu" gaming community, who goes by the name of Chubb, has assembled a Devteam in order to begin a project that we've all hoped we'd see one day, a modern recreation of our beloved "Wolf: ET" on a brand new gaming engine.

The "alpha" stage has now begun and the map that has been the main focus for now is the classic custom "ETPro" map, "Supply Depot". Here's what Chubb had to say about recent project developments and the progress made so far:
"We'd like to thank everyone for the amazing feedback via Youtube, Instagram and on the Crossfire.nu. website. Thank you to all of our donors too, your support definitely gave us a boost. We invite everyone to actively take part in our contest and we’ll consider every suggestion." - Chubb

Enemy Territory 2 on Youtube | Enemy Territory 2 on Instagram

Source: crossfire.nu | splashdamage.com | wolfflies.de

Happy 7th Birthday, Enemy Territory QUAKE Wars  - 28 September 2007, Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars is released in Europe and Australia. (2 October 2007 released in the U.S.), bringing vehicles, deployables, and delicious Stroyent to the Enemy Territory universe.

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (auch Quake Wars, kurz: ET:QW) ist der Nachfolger von Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, spielt jedoch in dem gleichen Universum wie Quake II und 4.
Das Gameplay ist dabei an Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory angelehnt, allerdings gibt es in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars zusätzlich Land- und Luftfahrzeuge. Des Weiteren ist Enemy Territory: Quake Wars im Gegensatz zu Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory nicht kostenlos.
Das Computerspiel wurde von Splash Damage für Windows XP und Windows Vista entwickelt, wobei eine modifizierte Version der Doom-3-Engine (id tech 4), sowie die MegaTexture-Technologie zum Einsatz kommt.

Source: etpro.de !

Happy 18th birthday, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!

Splash Damage's first game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - was released exactly EIGHTEEN YEARS ago. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was born on 29/05/2003.

The game uses a modified Return to Castle Wolfenstein engine, itself being a heavily modified Quake III: Team Arena engine (id Tech 3, which has been open-source since 2005).

Let's celebrate one of our favourite FPS games of all time!

Source: splashdamage.com | facebook.com/splashdamage

ET FULL VERSION 2.60 Version:2.60
Author SplashDamage Date 31.03.2009 Filesize 263 MB Download 2420

Author dexter Date 19.04.2009 Filesize 6,400 MB Download 732

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