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Trickjump Movie Oldriginals

Published in ET Movies

ImageTrickjump movie made by Stuns and performed by himself - This is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump video. You will see recordings I collected over the years accompanied by music mixed together by myself.
I do not claim that any original in this movie is new, thus the title "Oldriginals".
This is my last trickjump movie, please enjoy.

ImageEin Trickjump Film, erstellt und gespielt von Stuns - Dies ist ein Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Trickjump Video. Du siehst Aufnahmen von mir, die ich im Laufe der Jahre gesammelt und mit Musik gemischt habe. Ich behaupte nicht dass alle Originale in diesem Film neu sind, deswegen der Titel "Oldriginals".

Dies ist meine letzter Trickjump Film, genieße ihn!


HD Download

DaNe & Mys0x on Justjump 3

Published in ET Movies

DaNe & Mys0x on Justjump 3 - Welcome to my second Movie feat Mys0x!

Shoutout eT|Clan,Th|Clan,|999|Clan and all others who know us
Map used - Justjump 3
Music - Ruben de Ronde & Aelyn - What About You
Prog´s used - Sony Vegas pro 12 | Virtual-dub | Handbreak

Watch in HD enjoy!

Source: crossfire.nu

Author DaNe + Mys0x Date 09.09.2014 Filesize 133 MB Download 168

DaNe on Extasy beta

Published in ET Movies

DaNe the trickjump legend jumps on [Extasy beta]

Movie made by DaNe, be patient i'm no movie maker, I just gave me a try. Prog´s used :Image-ET / Virtual-dub / Sony-vegas 12 Pro / MeGui
Music used : Machine Gun Kelly - Sail / Machine Gun Kelly - Halo

Special Thanks to gungh0 for help

Also good TJ channel: www.youtube.com/Th0sy

Keep Trickjump Alive!!

Source: crossfire.nu

Author DaNe Date 01.09.2014 Filesize 149 MB Download 181

One Thousand and One Loads

Published in ET Movies

ET Trickjump Movie - One Thousand and One Loads

One Thousand and One Loads (Original TJ) by Sungi.
A community effort of original trickjumps from frag maps. The name is a pun on the amount of attempts some of these jumps took. Even though they may look easy on video, some of these tricks require insane precision to perform. All jumps done with normal Pmove_Msec 8 physics. No cheats were used while performing the jumps.

Editing by Finlandsungi, Special thanks to 999|BlaZe| and UseMe&Aciz. This movie would not have been finished if not for them.

Starring (ordered by # of jumps):
Finland sungi, Finland Aciz, Finland Wrath, Finland TheLDer, Finland BlaZe, Finland hazz, United Kingdom Madman, Finland skepty, France Omega, Finland ,=- , Germany FLoPJEHZ, Australia cUfffs, Finland huPo, Belgium morda, Netherlands Spectator, Austria ShuTTeR, Estonia Tr!cK, Finland Tuomas, Canada sageone.

Includes jumps from the following maps:
Adlernest, Battery, Beach, Braundorf, Caen, Coast, Erdenberg, Fueldump, Goldrush, Industry, Italy, Karsiah, Marrakech Streets, Missile, Navarone, Oasis, Radar, Railgun, Snatch, Special Delivery, Supply, Tram, Transmitter, Warbell, Venice

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Sungi Date 11.06.2015 Filesize 604 MB Download 198

The Flying Finn (Original Trickjumps)

Published in ET Movies

ET Movie The Flying Finn (Original Trickjumps) by sungi

Well here we are, I was supposed to make a better quality and edited movie, but I ran out of motivation after trickjumping extensively for months. I figured if I don't finish this movie now, I never will. Some FRAPS clips were laggy.

Parov Stelar - Chambermaid Groove
Crystal Method - Drown In The Now (Radio Edit)
Machinae Supremacy - Mortal Wound (Skye's Requiem)

ET 2.60b @ etjump 2.0.3
Sony Vegas Pro 11

Source: crossfire.nu

Author sungi Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 127 MB Download 171

Can You Row This? - Jump Movies by Th0sy

Published in ET Movies

Can You Row This? - Enemy Territory Jump Movies by Th0sy

ET Jump Movies | Can You Row This? NoDown and Can You Row This? Airwaves_B1.
Two nice trickjump movies in excellent quality with relaxed music. Both Movies created by Th0sy, Jumps from Skepty.

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Th0sy and Skepty Date 16.03.2015 Filesize 109 MB Download 168

Author Th0sy and Skepty Date 16.03.2015 Filesize 158.16 MB Download 167

ETJump 2.3.0 released

Published in ET Mods

ETJump 2.3.0 is out!

After a long wait the "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" mod, ETJump, version 2.3.0 is finally ready, thanks to Aciz and Ryven.
ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.

Full changelog: forum.etjump.com/etjump-2-3-0

Source: wolffiles.de | etjump.com

ETJUMP 2.3.0 Version:2.3.0
Author Aciz and Ryven Date 15.07.2018 Filesize 7.74 MB Download 350

Apex Trickjump Movie

Published in ET Movies

New Enemy Territory Movie called Apex - 999aciz and 999sungi present a new Trickjump movie with excellent editing and graphics.
This is a video showcasing release of a new strafe/gamma jump map Apex. It contains 27 strafejumps, all optimized for fullbeat style!

Video: Finland999aciz
Jumping: Finland999sungi
TJ-Map: apex_v2

Thanks to NetherlandseT|Robotic, Sweden999wing, Finland999hazz, Finland999aciz and IcelandUseMe&vallz for their help with the map.

You can try it out at 999 Trickjump server, /connect trickjump.net

Source: crossfire.nu

Full HD movie ONLY via download!! (1,25 GB)

Author 999aciz and 999sungi Date 25.03.2017 Filesize 1,24 GB Download 230

APEX Version:v2
Author 999aciz and 999sungi Date 25.03.2017 Filesize 24,20 MB Download 227

Veil Jump Movie

Published in Wolfenstein Movies

Stonecutter zeigt uns, in seinem Video, Trickjumps im Multiplayer von Wolfenstein. Die Trickjumps wurden, mit Hilfe der Veil-Fähigkeit, auf WolfPro 0.1 gemacht. Es ist erstaunlich was für große Sprünge damit möglich sind.


Quelle: PalaceWolfenstein


Published in RtCW Movies

Homie release his new RtCW-Movie - Strafeaholic - with nice ingame jumping scenes.

The Idea: For some years now, I have been toying with the idea to make an RTCW movie with trickjump actions ingame that leads to winning docruns and some nice frags. A month ago I fell in love with the Juno Reactor track "Mona Lisa Overdrive" and I imagined this soundtrack would fit very well with this type of movie. Last week i began putting some parts in on certain audio parts I had in mind and this week the movie was finalized.

Content: Demos consist of 3v3 up to 6v6 competition play on OSP, ranging from 2012-2017. They are included in the download file, for those who want to check it out. Some random scrims, some onedaycups and some from the latest RTCW cups when United States of America WarWitch returned to cast. Some of these plays were already in some older clips i made, but most of it is new.

Nearly all DOCRUNS in the movie (including the intro sneak walljump on beach) result in finishing the round, except for:
- Jumping south on ice while there is an airstrike exploding, there was not enough time left to finish the run.
- When parcher nades while jumping south and i fall to my death because i didn't hit the slopy ice part right cause of the boost.

Settings: I recently bought a 21:9 monitor and i thought it would be a good idea to test out its max resolution (3440x1440) combined with RTCW. I know almost nobody will have this type of monitor and it will result in black bars, but I mainly made this for myself anyways.

I included the hud (teamoverlay, time on clock, health and weaponinfo) because I think it's important to have some context with these types of play. I know the "player1 killed player2 with mp40" text is really small, but i didn't bother to try and fix it, because it's not so important.

Movie Info: Length: 04:46, Filesize: 1.68 GB, Resolution: 3440x1440 (21:9), Framerate: 60, Encoder: x264, Container: avi

Enjoy the movie :)!

Full UHD movie ONLY via download (1,68 GB!)

Source: crossfire.nu


Author Homie Date 10.06.2017 Filesize 1,68 GB Download 186

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