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General News

=F|A= Fearless Assassins Halloween Horror Heist

Published in ET Scene

=F|A= Fearless Assassins Halloween Heist Event

Beware peeps. Because well. The event staff will release the creeps. And give you hell.
Fearless Assassins clan is organising a Halloween Gameday and we're gathering all our troops to attend!

Event: =F|A= Halloween Horror Heist
Date and time: 30th of october - at least 5pm to 1am BST
Server IP: fun1.clan-fa.com
Teamspeak IP: ts.clan-fa.com:4666

 If you don't do it for halloween, you still don't want to miss seeing an ugly-dressed sis!

Source: www.fearless-assassins.com | www.wolffiles.de

Prime Squadron Crazy Days

Published in ET Scene

We, Prime Squadron, invite everyone to visit us during our upcoming 3 day event. The 26, 27 and 28th of July we organize sniper and panzer wars in the evening hours.

Server: Prime Squadron #1

- Friday 26 July: SNIPERWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT+1 till 22:30.
- Saturday 27 July: SNIPERWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT+1 till 22:30
- Sunday 28 July: PANZAWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT +1 till 23:00

All matches will be played on the NQ 1.2.9 mod.

For the map rotation and further information check:

Don't hesitate to visit, everyone is welcome!

Quelle: Wolffiles.de

Last Man Standing Event

Published in ET Scene

This saturday we are going to seperate the boys from the men. We challenge all to see if you are up against other players. In a challenge with several maps played you going to get a chance to prove your skills. No panzers allowed, only real weapons.
PS: Girls are invited too :D

Date: 18th October - Time: 20:00 cest
Server: Paintball Mod (NQ 1.2.9) IP:

Maplist: Al_Abbasi, The_Station, DM_Metro_TE, Stonehenge, N2D_purefrag21, Pilsner

More info on... dark-alchemy.com/forum
Source: dark-alchemy.com

ET Lan Event - Return to Krefeld Battleground

Published in ET Scene

Dear Wolfenstein: ET Community,
Many people have been messaging us lately, asking if the LAN event will happen. The community want us to make it happen and we are willing to host it for you. After the last newspost we did not get the response we'd hoped for, resulting in our long silence.
After having another internal conversation, we decided to try and make the event happen, for you, for us and for all those unforgettable moments, the offline events of this beautiful game. We have to pay the location in exactly one month, that being said, this is the final deadline!

We need exactly ten 6on6 teams and twelve 3on3 teams to make the event happen. If we can surprise ourselves and make it, the event will happen from November 2nd 2018 to November 4th 2018. We need the teams signed up and paid by August 30th 2018! Every 6on6 team pays 390€ (65€ per player) and every 3on3 team pays 105€ (35€ per player). We still have the location booked and would love to host the event and the needed seeding tournament.

The prize pool the teams are competing for will be 3160€!

We have reset the recruitment post, to give you all the chances to form or/and find teams. See >HERE<

You don't have a full team? No problem. Sign up for the event and you will be assigned to a team by the event organisers.

Greetings from Chosen, Ekto and stRay

Many thanks to:
Moe, for his donation of 550€ to the prize pool.
The three winning teams of the "ETernal Damage Cup", for their donation of 450€ to the prize pool.

Source: crossfire.nu | wolffiles.de

SiN Panzer War - Special Event

Published in ET Scene

 Hey ho all Panzer maniacs!

On saturday 20.9 @ 19.00 CEST we're having a pnaz..pers..pzaer..panzer special event. Maybe a couple of beers or sodas to go with the event? Of Course! Lock your self in the house, throw away the key, prepare pizzas,beers,sodas, pants and helmets, coz we're getting crazy with the panzers!
Invite all your friends, parents, pets, granparents and why not even your imaginary friends! ;-) And of course some crazygravity also! :D
Ip is:

Fearless Assassins Solstice Spree Event

Published in ET Scene

The 21st of June. Summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. Yes, the sun will rise very early in the north. Who the hell cares? We’ll all sleep till dawn anyway.
Sharpen your Thompsons, reload your knives, talk a walk on the moon and fix your headsets. It’s Gameday time!

Event: =F|A= Solstice Spree
Wars: panzerwar, sniperwar, crazy gravity and of course normal fights.
Date and time: noon, Saturday 20th of June until 7.00 A.M., Sunday 21st of June (GMT)
Server Name: F|A #2 XPSAVE FOREVER
Server IP: jay2.clan-fa.com
Teamspeak IP: ts.clan-fa.com:4666

Source : fearless-assassins.com | wolffiles.de

TeamMuppet Infected Halloween Event

Published in ET Scene

TeamMuppet Infected Halloween event - Friday 31st of October - - 7PM GMT

Our Next event will take place on Halloween night which is Friday 31st October ...
The event will also take place on our very own Micha's Infected Mod!
Time of the event will be at 19:00 GMT (UK Time)

Server IP is and/or ( you can use either of the following IP's )

Please also do not forget to join our TeamSpeak server for an evan more fun night!
The infected Mod is one of the most popular event we have and what a better night than to have it on Halloween ...
All maps will follow the theme night so mostly / all spooky based map!
Anybody is allowed to join our event so feel free to come and visit us :D

Hope to see you all there on the night.
Happy Hunting!  

INFECTED MOD / SKINS / SOUNDS ETC >>> mnwa.bplaced.net...infectedmod_b2.1.pk3
CLIENT FILES ( DLL/SO ) >>> mnwa.bplaced.net...infectedmod_mpbin_20140715.pk3

Link: teammuppet.eu
Source: etpro.de

Halloween on Dark Alchemy

Published in ET Scene
 Do you have nerves of steel? Do you like to dress up? Do you hate people in costumes?
 Then thursday 31th of october Dark Alchemy #1 is the place to be.
 We start the party at 20:00 CET on Alchemy #1 server:

(UM)Dracula Final
Castellum final
Necrology Final

You can pre-downlaod halloween pack HERE. Place it in your ET/nq/ folder.

bTc ET-Halloween Fightnight

Published in ET Scene

Image Der |bTc| Clan läd alle herzlichst ein, zur Enemy Territory Halloween Fightnight.

Das Event Ticket to Hell - The |bTc| Halloween Nights startet am Halloweentag den 31.10. um 0.00 Uhr und Endet am 1.11 um 0.00 Uhr.

Es erwarten euch gespenstische Maps, Skins & Sounds. Lasst euch überraschen und seid dabei!

Server IP:

Quelle: ClawFire via PM | |bTc|Clan

TGS-Clan - Special Fun Night

Published in ET Scene
Image TGS Special Fun Night - Summer is coming to an end, but the guys of The German Server Clan - also known as TGS - are warmly welcoming you for their ET Special Fun Night.
Are you a player with a high sense for fun play ? - Be sure to play, the event starts at: 15.10.2011 on 20 o'clock (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) server:

Image TGS Spezial Fun Nacht - Der Sommer kommt zum Ende, aber die Member vom The German Server Clan (TGS) laden euch alle wärmstens zu einer ET Spezial Fun Night ein.
Alle Spieler, mit Sinn für viel Spaß am Spielen, sind herzlich willkommen. Das Event startet am: 15.10.2011 um 20.00 Uhr (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) Server:
Link: tgs-clan

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