

Fall Cup 2012 - Moments Of The Week #8

Published in RtCW Movies

RtCW Fall Cup Moments of the week #8 by Crumbs - Featuring: MerlinatoR, Leonneke, voice, Night, sqzz, razz, crumbs and KiH vs raw highlights from the loser bracket semi-final.

Apologies to anyones demos I did not include only had a limited time to make the movie, so was hard to include everything.

RtCW Herbst Cup, Momente der Woche #8 von Crumbs - Mitstreiter: MerlinatoR, Leonneke, voice, Night, sqzz, razz, crumbs und Highlights aus dem Loser Bracket Semi-Finale kih gegen raw.

Entschuldigung an diejenigen, dessen Demos ich nicht eingefügt habe. Ich hatte nur wenig Zeit um den Film zu machen und konnte nicht alles berücksichtigen.

Author Crumbs Date 22.03.2013 Filesize 59,49 MB Download 204

Loftbloxin 4 & The Last Panzer

Published in RtCW Movies

Moviemaker bloxiN, ist weiterhin fleissig und serviert uns gleich 2 neue RtCW 1.0 Movies.
Zum einen, das Movie Loftbloxin 4 mit eigenen Spielszenen, und zum zweiten, produzierte er das Movie The Last Panzer, welches PF-Kills von AG3NT (sandmod.com) zeigt.

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Beide Movies haben gut ausgesuchte Frags und eine hohe Qualität. Viel Spass. 

Quelle: Danke anbloxin @ WolfensteinHQ-Forum

LOFTBLOXIN 4 Version:Part 4
Author Bloxin Date 22.11.2009 Filesize 118 MB Download 208

Author Bloxin + AG3NT Date 27.11.2011 Filesize 195 MB Download 224

KT Clan Movie Nr. 24

Published in RtCW Movies
Das =KT= PurfunMovie Nr 24. von Catsponge ist erschienen.

Der =KT=Funclan ist einer der großen letzt übriggeblieben Clans, wo noch ättliche RtCW-Spieler aus der ganzen Welt ihr Zuhause haben.
Wie in den anderen 23 Movies , gibt es wieder fantastische Szenen und Momente mit den Tricks und Rafinessen der BaniMod und das auf den schönsten Custom-Maps aller Zeiten. Das Movie hat zwar wenig eigene Effekte aber die brauch es auch nicht, weil hier die RtCW-Spieler selber für die Effekte sorgen.
Fun pur eben.

Quelle: =KT=clan

Author =KT=Catsponge Date 31.03.2009 Filesize 93,20 MB Download 206

Fall Cup 2012 - Moments Of The Week #7

Published in RtCW Movies

RtCW Fall Cup Moments of the week #7 by Crumbs - Play-Offs featuring: crumbs, Kevin, Clown, abort, Kris, Sipperi, MerlinatoR and DtS.

RtCW Herbst Cup, Momente der Woche #7 von Crumbs - Play-Offs Hauptrollen: crumbs, Kevin, Clown, abort, Kris, Sipperi, MerlinatoR and DtS.

Author Crumbs Date 03.03.2013 Filesize 96,15 MB Download 178

Fall Cup 2012 - Moments Of The Week #2

Published in RtCW Movies

Bully presents the second video from the RtCW Fall Cup 2012 with impressive moments.
So here it finally is, shamefully 1 day over it's deadline.. ok I admit it's 1:50 midnight, 2 days over the deadline.
I'm not to sure what to think of it, if I had more time I would have fine tuned it more and most likely have gone for a different song. But it is what it is and I hope you like it.

Starring: MerlinatoR, Kevin, Crmbs, osiris, bully, Kamz, Fro, Pudi, Kris, Juha, xPERiA

Bully präsentiert das zweite Video aus dem RtCW Fall Cup 2012 mit beeindruckenden Momentaufnahmen.

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Quelle: crossfire.nu

Author bully Date 07.01.2013 Filesize 119 MB Download 232

Neues Movie Phates Emotional

Published in RtCW Movies

An der Moviefront von RtCW tut sich wieder was.

Phates Emotional ist ein neues RtCW-Fragmovie von Phate.
Die Qualität des Movies ist sehr gut, es ist abwechslungsreich u. bietet viele Highlights von namenhaften Clans wie zb. aZe, cave'coh, Dying Wish/Wobbel, Fallanx, fixed, KiH.rtcw, nike Tout, OneSoldier.rtcw, Maelstrom, Mindcage, move, POW und noch viele andere! Also, anschauen lohnt sich 

Quelle: Planet-Videos

Completing ALL RtCW Trickjump Maps

Published in RtCW Movies

Homie presents his huge trickjump movie and plays on ALL trickjumpmaps in chronological order!
Good movie with over 8 hours of playtime for just watch or learn ;-)

Completing all RTCW Trickjump maps with some nice drum & bass on the background from dj's of my hometown :-)!

Trickjump maps played (100 in total), in order of release date:
00:03 - dzm_trickjump
02:19 - {AM}trickjump_2
05:18 - tj3_final
09:52 - mp_kolotrickjump
12:26 - brickjump_final
17:28 - pp_brickjump
20:33 - usf_jump
24:21 - experimental
25:37 - tj5
27:05 - strayjump1
32:20 - usf_jump2
40:14 - strayjump2
46:40 - testjump1a
48:17 - test_r01
52:50 - viojump1_exp4
57:17 - tj_combat_1beta
1:00:33 - tj_xp3_funpak
1:05:08 - homiejump1
1:12:12 - strayjump3
1:19:33 - nctrickjump
1:24:30 - strayjump4
1:30:14 - strayjump5
1:38:05 - tj_combat_2beta3
1:44:08 - homiejump2
1:51:32 - strayjump_rld
1:59:31 - trickmaster1_beta2
2:03:32 - trickmaster2_beta1
2:10:17 - forsakenjump2
2:14:11 - rg_jumptown
2:19:39 - fanxjump1
2:23:05 - monojump
2:27:01 - forsakenjump3_test
2:31:59 - mp_godyjump
2:36:26 - jump-city
2:40:54 - jump-duell
2:44:27 - xp3_city
2:48:39 - ezjumpz1
2:55:31 - ezjumpz2
3:02:05 - ezjumpz3
3:08:07 - $25,000
3:09:10 - $100,000
3:09:54 - $50,000
3:10:40 - animaljump_test
3:11:32 - hkjumpz_beta1
3:16:25 - avp-jump_b
3:21:23 - slickmaster1_beta1
3:33:00 - xjump_beta3
3:40:05 - zero_k
3:50:50 - xp3_testmap19
3:55:29 - winnijump1
4:00:08 - tj_dingo
4:02:55 - tj_dingo2
4:08:20 - homiejump3_beta
4:15:51 - winnijump2
4:20:40 - zerojumps1_b1
4:21:55 - tomikjumpik
4:24:00 - winnijump3
4:29:42 - tomikjumpik2
4:31:55 - tomikjumpik3
4:33:58 - winnijump4
4:40:50 - lego_jumps
4:43:35 - applejump1
4:45:42 - Torrejumps_beta1
4:50:26 - tj_dingo3
4:58:18 - tj_dingo4
5:01:03 - tj_dingo5
5:06:00 - tj_dingo6
5:12:36 - AOD_JumP
5:16:36 - tj_dingo7
5:21:45 - WinniJump5
5:25:23 - AOD_JumP2
5:29:06 - CricleJumpBeta2
5:41:54 - airmaXXXjumps
5:45:05 - BrokenDreamsRTCW
5:47:23 - clockwork_orange
5:48:25 - tj_dingo8
5:52:48 - din_beta
5:56:33 - wroom101
5:58:37 - random_FMJ
5:59:16 - ocean_t18
6:02:03 - tj_dingo9
6:06:14 - rtcw_1000jumpEX
6:21:54 - rtcw_trickjump1
6:30:08 - rtcw_trickjump2
6:39:04 - funmap_beta8
6:56:53 - winniglassjumps
7:02:07 - vertigo_beta8
7:03:15 - ZenoFunJumps
7:06:15 - jumpenstein
7:08:25 - tmf_beta1
7:14:56 - rtcw_fall_beta8
7:16:28 - piyo-FunJumps_rtcw_beta2
7:26:27 - flzjumps_beta
7:28:24 - rtcw_trickjump3_v2
8:02:29 - rtcw_trickjump4_v3
8:14:11 - rtcw_trickjump5
8:23:53 - rtcw_stretchjump
8:24:57 - rtcw_dzm_beta1
8:25:21 - tj_dingo10
8:33:40 - tj_dingo11

Maps not played because they are similar/duplicates to the ones above, or just unplayable:
rtcw_trickjump3_mirrored, tj_dingo6r, rtcw_trickjump5_EX, rtcw_1000jumpDH, rtcw_1000jumpEZ, cc_trickjump2/1, dzm_distancejump, Depot-Roof, tomikejumps (testroom), rtcw_testjump_beta2, nihjump3

Played on following trickjump servers: - Trickjump (1.4 shrub tj server by cassette) - AoD TJ (1.0 server with some tj mod with higher speed settings)

Source: crossfire.nu

Overpressured RTCW

Published in RtCW Movies

New RtCW Movie Overpressured - Kris newest rtcw project. Mostly frags from No Pressure and Overpowered.
Have fun watching!


Neues RtCW Movie Overpressured - Kris neustes RtCW Projekt. Größtenteils Frags von No Pressure und Overpowered.
Viel Spass beim anschauen!

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Kris Date 06.08.2013 Filesize 498 MB Download 316

RTCW/ET Movies incl. Fall Cup 3/4

Published in RtCW Movies

We have two new RtCW and two new ET movies our file repository added.All movies are of good quality and show frag highlights.

Wir haben zwei neue RtCW und zwei neue ET-Movies unserer Download-Datenbank hinzugefügt. Alle Filme haben eine gute Qualität und zeigen Frag-Highlights.

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RtCW Moments - Week 3+4 The Last RtCW Movie 2
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ET: Ratte-The Mini Movie ET: baq - forever low 2

Quelle: crossfire.nu

CF 3on3 Championship Movie, Week 1 Highlights by MerlinatoR

Movie Highlights of week 1 from the Crossfire 3on3 RTCW Championship Tournament featuring 8 games with the main focus being on the 4 streamed match ups.


Source: crossfire.nu

Author MerlinatoR Date 16.05.2014 Filesize 966 B Download 199

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