Project Uran is a Rtcw sp addon consisting of 2 levels. You must check the readme file for important information, otherwise this addon will not work properly!
This is a re-upload of Project Uran, because I forgot to include the 2 DLL files with the previous release. These 2 DLL files are necessary for the additional weapons to work correctly.
This is a patch that includes a fix to the problems that arise with using the Rtcw Widescreen Mod by Aidendemon together with Project Uran by Ronboy. Obviously, you will not need the Widescreen patch if you don't have or use the Widescreen Mod by Aidendemon.
First, extract the contents of the .zip file to anywhere on your computer. Then, to install the patch, simply double click the file "BatchCreator4RTCW_ProjectUran.exe"
Next, follow the instuctions once the .exe file loads. Remember, you do not need this .exe file if you don't have or use Aidendemon's Widescreen Mod for Rtcw.
If you followed the instructions correctly, then you should have a batch file for Project Uran on your hard drive. Simply place the batch file inside the Project_Uran folder, and double click it. The first level of Project Uran, greenbrier3, should then launch without any problems.
More infos >
Source: | thx to ronboy via FB
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PROJECT URAN + WIDESCREEN PATCH Version:1.0 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
KatsBits has released a nice new RTcW Singleplayer Map.
A single player 'mini' MOD add-on for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Also includes various re-usable assets that can be used in other modifications. Download and extract contents to a folder called "spkat5" in the primary game directory - it should contain several files including a *.bat file and two pk3 archive. To start the mod double-click the BAT file. (For more information visit the Generator micro-site).
Source: | KatsBits
18,38 MB
RtCW SP Industrial Espionage - Engineer Assassin by W0lfman
World War II rages on in 1943 with no end in sight. The Kreisau Circle has gained intelligence that a top-ranking German engineer is scheduled to arrive for an inspection of a key manufacturing facility. Termination of this engineer would be a critical blow to the German war machine. Therefore, the Office of Secret Actions orders that Agent B.J. Blazkowicz be sent on an assassination mission to this facility.
You are ordered to infiltrate a German manufacturing facility and terminate the engineer who is scheduled to lead an inspection therein. A double-agent working at the facility has arranged for the elevator to malfunction. After termination of the engineer, your best chance of a quiet escape is through the steam tunnel located beyond the main warehouse.
I started working on this mission in February 2013, and had a beta test version by the end of December 2013. It would have been released in summer 2013, but the project was set aside for several months as I was working on a major redesign of my web site instead. This is my second mission for Wolfenstein.
The style and difficulty of game play should be similar to the official Wolfenstein maps. I made extra effort to build replay value into this map. It won't be exactly the same game each time you play.
The large warehouse full of crates is based upon the Government Warehouse from Indiana Jones. The room after the warehouse, the one with the barrel ceiling, is based on a picture of a prison block that I saw in a magazine. I think it was Alkatraz. It was all concrete, two levels, with the center open to below.
There are two secret areas in this map, and they are around the same place. One is fairly easy to reach. The other one is a bit trickier to reach.
I appreciate the play testing and feedback given to me by the following people:
- vicpas
Place the df_eng.pk3 file in your Wolfenstein/Main directory, then boot Wolfenstein, open the console, and type /spmap df_eng to start playing.
The source file is included so you can see how the map was made and you can make your own changes. You do not need any permission to use ideas or any part of this map in your own work, nor permission to release any map you created based upon it.
Source: | splashdamage W0lfman
2,776 MB