

Merry Christmas everyone!

Published in General News






Vasel Koleda!
Glædelig Jul!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Hyvää Joulua!
Joyeux Noël!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Buon Natale!
Sretan Bozic!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
God Jul!
Wesolych Swiat!
Boas Festas!
Craciun fericit!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
God Jul!
Vesele bozicne praznike!
Feliz Navidad!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!

Wolfenstein4ever - ET4ever - RtCW4ever

18th anniversary of RtCW

Published in RtCW Misc

Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is 18 years old. RtCW, developed by ID Software, published by Activision, was released to the North American market on November 19th, 2001.

Release date(s):
Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Enjoy remaining RtCW time!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein WIKI

Movie in memory of the great time on the RtCW KT-Clan fun server

Happy 14th Birthday RtCW

Published in RtCW Misc

The first game ever where Splash Damage ever officially contributed by: Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is proud 14 years old. RtCW, developed by ID Software, published by Activision, was released to the North American market on November 19th, 2001.

Release date(s):
Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Enjoy remaining RtCW time!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein WIKI

Das erste Spiel, wo SplashDamage jemals offiziell mit beitrug: Return to Castle Wolfenstein wird stolze 14 Jahre alt. RtCW wurde von ID Software entwickelt, herausgegeben von Activision und zuerst im nordamerikanischen Markt am 19. November 2001 freigegeben.

Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Geniesse die verbleibende RtCW Zeit!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein WIKI

OverPressured 2

Published in RtCW Movies

Kris presents his new awesome RtCW Movie OverPressured 2 !

Presenting my latest project. RTCW fragmovie in 1080@60fps. Mainly frags from nP, op and phase.
Also containing a couple of frags by Mystic.

Added a youtube mirror, tho the quality is better when downloading it. Youtube has 720@30.

A must for all fans. Hope you like it.
Probs with watching? Use VLC-Player
Source: crossfire.nu

Author Kris Date 13.04.2014 Filesize 494 MB Download 228

Author Kris Date 06.08.2013 Filesize 498 MB Download 316

Operation Deathshead RtcW SP-Addon

Published in RtCW Maps

Operation Deathshead RtcW SP addon final, created by ronboy (Mike)

After a total of more than 3 years, Operation Deathshead is finally finished. This Rtcw Sp addon is 2 levels long, and includes many new techniques that I have learned as a mapper. Please read the readme file for instructions and other information. In order to fully enjoy Operation Deathshead, you must follow the instructions on the readme file carefully. Enjoy!

Operation Deathshead RtcW SP-Addon Final, erstellt von ronboy (Mike)

Nach insgesamt mehr als 3 Jahren ist Operation Deathshead endlich fertig. Dieses RtCW SP-Addon ist zwei Ebenen lang und enthält viele neue Techniken, die ich als Mapper gelernt habe. Lese sorgfältig die Anweisungen in der Readme-Datei, um Operation Deathshead voll und ganz genießen zu können. Viel Spass dabei!

Source: Thx to ronboy via FB | ronboymaps.webs.com | moddb.com

Author ronboy (Mike) Date 16.01.2014 Filesize 56,12 MB Download 2478

Completing ALL RtCW Trickjump Maps

Published in RtCW Movies

Homie presents his huge trickjump movie and plays on ALL trickjumpmaps in chronological order!
Good movie with over 8 hours of playtime for just watch or learn ;-)

Completing all RTCW Trickjump maps with some nice drum & bass on the background from dj's of my hometown :-)!

Trickjump maps played (100 in total), in order of release date:
00:03 - dzm_trickjump
02:19 - {AM}trickjump_2
05:18 - tj3_final
09:52 - mp_kolotrickjump
12:26 - brickjump_final
17:28 - pp_brickjump
20:33 - usf_jump
24:21 - experimental
25:37 - tj5
27:05 - strayjump1
32:20 - usf_jump2
40:14 - strayjump2
46:40 - testjump1a
48:17 - test_r01
52:50 - viojump1_exp4
57:17 - tj_combat_1beta
1:00:33 - tj_xp3_funpak
1:05:08 - homiejump1
1:12:12 - strayjump3
1:19:33 - nctrickjump
1:24:30 - strayjump4
1:30:14 - strayjump5
1:38:05 - tj_combat_2beta3
1:44:08 - homiejump2
1:51:32 - strayjump_rld
1:59:31 - trickmaster1_beta2
2:03:32 - trickmaster2_beta1
2:10:17 - forsakenjump2
2:14:11 - rg_jumptown
2:19:39 - fanxjump1
2:23:05 - monojump
2:27:01 - forsakenjump3_test
2:31:59 - mp_godyjump
2:36:26 - jump-city
2:40:54 - jump-duell
2:44:27 - xp3_city
2:48:39 - ezjumpz1
2:55:31 - ezjumpz2
3:02:05 - ezjumpz3
3:08:07 - $25,000
3:09:10 - $100,000
3:09:54 - $50,000
3:10:40 - animaljump_test
3:11:32 - hkjumpz_beta1
3:16:25 - avp-jump_b
3:21:23 - slickmaster1_beta1
3:33:00 - xjump_beta3
3:40:05 - zero_k
3:50:50 - xp3_testmap19
3:55:29 - winnijump1
4:00:08 - tj_dingo
4:02:55 - tj_dingo2
4:08:20 - homiejump3_beta
4:15:51 - winnijump2
4:20:40 - zerojumps1_b1
4:21:55 - tomikjumpik
4:24:00 - winnijump3
4:29:42 - tomikjumpik2
4:31:55 - tomikjumpik3
4:33:58 - winnijump4
4:40:50 - lego_jumps
4:43:35 - applejump1
4:45:42 - Torrejumps_beta1
4:50:26 - tj_dingo3
4:58:18 - tj_dingo4
5:01:03 - tj_dingo5
5:06:00 - tj_dingo6
5:12:36 - AOD_JumP
5:16:36 - tj_dingo7
5:21:45 - WinniJump5
5:25:23 - AOD_JumP2
5:29:06 - CricleJumpBeta2
5:41:54 - airmaXXXjumps
5:45:05 - BrokenDreamsRTCW
5:47:23 - clockwork_orange
5:48:25 - tj_dingo8
5:52:48 - din_beta
5:56:33 - wroom101
5:58:37 - random_FMJ
5:59:16 - ocean_t18
6:02:03 - tj_dingo9
6:06:14 - rtcw_1000jumpEX
6:21:54 - rtcw_trickjump1
6:30:08 - rtcw_trickjump2
6:39:04 - funmap_beta8
6:56:53 - winniglassjumps
7:02:07 - vertigo_beta8
7:03:15 - ZenoFunJumps
7:06:15 - jumpenstein
7:08:25 - tmf_beta1
7:14:56 - rtcw_fall_beta8
7:16:28 - piyo-FunJumps_rtcw_beta2
7:26:27 - flzjumps_beta
7:28:24 - rtcw_trickjump3_v2
8:02:29 - rtcw_trickjump4_v3
8:14:11 - rtcw_trickjump5
8:23:53 - rtcw_stretchjump
8:24:57 - rtcw_dzm_beta1
8:25:21 - tj_dingo10
8:33:40 - tj_dingo11

Maps not played because they are similar/duplicates to the ones above, or just unplayable:
rtcw_trickjump3_mirrored, tj_dingo6r, rtcw_trickjump5_EX, rtcw_1000jumpDH, rtcw_1000jumpEZ, cc_trickjump2/1, dzm_distancejump, Depot-Roof, tomikejumps (testroom), rtcw_testjump_beta2, nihjump3

Played on following trickjump servers: - Trickjump (1.4 shrub tj server by cassette) - AoD TJ (1.0 server with some tj mod with higher speed settings)

Source: crossfire.nu

The Dark Army: Uprising

Published in RtCW Mods

Titeuf-85 released his great Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ single-player standalone modification - The Dark Army: Uprising after 3 years of hard work!
This release has been created in conjunction with the "RealRTCW 2.0" engine.

Fruit of the work of more than three years of labor, and one year after its useless initial release, this single-player standalone Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ mod, now powered by RealRTCW 2.0, is completed, stable and playable. You can download the English (US) version by clicking the button below.

Fruit du travail de plus de trois ans de labeur, et un an après sa sortie initiale et inutile, ce mod solo indépendant de Return to Castle Wolfenstein™, maintenant roulant sur RealRTCW 2.0, est terminé, stable et jouable. Vous pouvez télécharger la version anglaise (US) en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.

Source: Titeuf-85 / Wolfenstein France via FB | moddb.com/tda | ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de

Author Titeuf-85 Date 06.12.2016 Filesize 1,125 GB Download 1565

ASUS Alliance 6vs6 RtCW-Cup

Published in RtCW Scene


The team of RtCWcup announce the new ASUS Alliance 6vs6 RtCW-Cup. Created by a group of RtCW fans who came together to organize this new cup. There is a tight schedule in this cup that everybody has to be aware of. Also a group of 5 admins will help guide teams on their way into the games in order to keep up to speed with the schedule and thus making things go as smooth as possible. Below this text you can find more info about the cup and its time schedule.

More info about the Alliance Cup:

Format: 6vs6 ABBA Stopwatch
Team amount: 16
Cup format: Group stage to double elimination play-offs
Mappool: Base Beach Frostbite Ice Assault Village

Time Schedule:
Tournament signups are open from now until Saturday 30 November
Groups will be announced at the end of Saturday the 30th
1st game can be played between the 1st of December until the 8th of December
2nd game needs to be played by 15 December
3rd game needs to be played by 22 December
Around x-mas and new year's day we'll have a 2 weeks break
Play-offs start the first week of January
Grand final deadline will be February 2nd

Website: http://www.rtcwcup.com/index.htm
Rules: http://www.rtcwcup.com/rules.htm
Prizes: 1x ASUS GeForce GTX TITAN 6GD5 Graphics Card + € TBA,-
If people have any questions or suggestions you can contact any of the following admins: Playa, Bully, Faster, Malmen, Homie

Shoutcast will be provided by WarWitch and his companions Sabo and Nail on http://www.twitch.tv/warwitchtv/. So please sign up now so you can be part of this amazing event.

Website: http://www.rtcwcup.com/index.htm
Rules: http://www.rtcwcup.com/rules.htm

Source: crossfire.nu


Published in RtCW Maps

KatsBits has released a nice new RTcW Singleplayer Map.

A single player 'mini' MOD add-on for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Also includes various re-usable assets that can be used in other modifications. Download and extract contents to a folder called "spkat5" in the primary game directory - it should contain several files including a *.bat file and two pk3 archive. To start the mod double-click the BAT file. (For more information visit the Generator micro-site).

Source: wolffiles.deKatsBits

Author KatsBits Date 04.04.2014 Filesize 18,38 MB Download 1558

Halloween – RtCW - Skull Papercraft

Published in RtCW Misc

Halloween – Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Skull Papercraft

This halloween papercraft is a Wolfenstein Skull, created by Tektonten. “This skull is based on a 3D model from the World War II themed video game, Return to Castle Wolfenstein.”

 In the game, skulls like this can be found (among other places) in secret rooms inside Nazi strongholds. As with the other skulls in the series, this one is roughly 1:1 scale.





source: etpro.de !! | tamasoft.co.jp

Date 24.10.2014 Filesize 21,923 MB Download 427

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