

RtCW Remake Mod Beta 1.0

Published in RtCW Mods

RtCW Remake Mod Beta 1.0 by Grego & C.Z.R
The long-awaited beta release of Return to Castle Wolfenstein Remake Mod, created by Grzegorz Mirtyński & Cezary Szydlik, is finally here. This Mod utilises the creative improvements that can be achieved when using the new Berserker engine, thus giving this version of Return to Castle Wolfenstein a more modern appearance in regards to all aspects of the game, e.g., textures, lighting, gameplay.

+++ UPDATE +++
Wolfenstein4ever download (4,8 GB!!) is available now!


remake mod cover

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Source: moddb.com/rtcw-remake-mod | wolfflies.de

RTCW REMAKE MOD - PART 1 OF 2 Version:Beta 1
Author Grego & C.Z.R Date 12.03.2015 Filesize 2,8 GB Download 22057

RTCW REMAKE MOD - PART 2 OF 2 Version:Beta 1
Author Grego & C.Z.R Date 12.03.2015 Filesize 2 GB Download 18687

Stalingrad & Iron Cross Weapons Patch

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single Player Weapons Patch - Stalingrad & Iron Cross

This is a weapons patch, which has been created by Vicpas, for Return to Castle Wolfenstein SP missions, "Stalingrad" & "Iron Cross". The weapons patch includes three weapons, the Russian PPSH and the German-made MP44 and Gewehr 43 rifle.
The weapons were originally meant to be included in the final release of both mods, but were not ready in time. Thanks to Vicpas, this is no longer an issue and all these weapons can now be enjoyed in both the "Stalingrad SP" and "Iron Cross SP" adventures.

Source: wolffiles.de | rtcw.gamebanana.com


Author Vicpas Date 29.03.2015 Filesize 10,64 MB Download 1107

RTCW (SP) Beach Defend

Published in RtCW Maps

RTCW Beach Defend - Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer Mission

A new Return to Castle Wolfenstein singleplayer mission, created by Ronboy and Vicpas. This level was initially created for the addon, "Operation Deathshead", but it was not included in that project and was instead completed as a singleplayer level.

Storyline: You and your Axis Storm Troopers, who are defending the beaches, ports and harbours of Europe, find yourselves under attack from a heavily-armed Allied attack force, who are trying to establish a beach-head in your area.  You must repel these Allied invaders, eliminate their entire force and also destroy their submarine, which is located just offshore from your base.

Installation information and how to play:
1] Unzip to your C:Program FilesReturn to Castle Wolfenstein folder.
2] Play using the shortcut called "beach2" and when the main menu appears, click on the play button and choose your favorite skill.

Please Note: If you have RtCW installed in another directory, you must edit the shortcut.

Source: wolffiles.de | mikebwolf/ronboyproductions | Vicpas

Author Ronboy and Vicpas Date 30.07.2016 Filesize 22,448 MB Download 1366

RtCW Age of Horror

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - RtCW Age of Horror

This fantastic "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer adventure has been created by Vicpas and is one of the largest, if not the largest of all, missions ever created, containing 18 maps and a bonus mission too.This is a definite "must download" for all "RtCW SP" fans.

Thanks to:
Vicpas would like to thank the following people for all their help and support with the creation of this new release.

- Kim "The Pirate" for brush prefabs
- Zenith-Ply for animated tank models
- Depro777 for some models
- Shurr, Mek, Giskard, Kessler, Nexus and KoS for map prefabs, textures and scripts
- Horst for PAK 40 model and assistance
- Avoc and Kell for sky textures and scripts
- Ronboy for helping with English grammar & testing
- AlexDOK for motivation

Sadly, this is Vicpas', (Vicente Pasquino), last release for "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer. We at "Wolffiles" and "Splatterladder" would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much, Vicente, for all your wonderful work that you've created for our Wolfenstein Community to enjoy over many years.

Your hard work and dedication will always be remember and very much appreciated.

Vicpas on Youtube: www.youtube.com/vicpas

Source: wolffiles.de

AGE OF HORROR Version:1.0
Author Vicpas Date 16.09.2018 Filesize 287 MB Download 2220

Alone at War (1-5) Version 1.1

Published in RtCW Maps

Alone at War Version 1.1 - RtCW SP Mappack (1-5) by KoS and Vicpas

Description: The Offlag series of Return to Castle Wolfenstein single-player maps are difficult to complete, therefore, you will have to incorporate different tactics in order to complete this 5-map mission.

Changes on this version:
# A new main menu has been added
# A 5th level has been added - ( Created by KoS and edited by Vicpas)
# New sounds
# New textures
# New models

Installation Instructions:
# Unzip the files to your C:Program FilesReturn to Castle Wolfenstein folder.
# Play using the shortcut called "Alone_at_War" and when the main menu appears, click on play button and after choose your skill level.
# If you have RtCW installed in another directory other than your C: drive,  you will have to edit your shortcut accordingly.

Thanks to:
KoS and Vicpas would like to thank the following people:
# Zenith_ply for the new tank model
# Ronboy for editing the briefings texts and map testing
# Pazur for the lightblock texture
# Shurr for the new converted models and map testing
# Project 51 team for their aircraft models
# Horst for map testing

Source: gamebanana.com | wolffiles.de

ALONE AT WAR (1-5) Version:1.1
Author KoS and Vicpas Date 23.09.2014 Filesize 63,86 MB Download 1209

RtCW SP Beach Invasion

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - SP Beach Version 1.1.1

This new release, which has been created by Vicpas, is a remake of the classic "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" multiplayer map, "Beach Invasion", this time as a singleplayer mission. It's an updated version that has eliminated the bugs from his original remake.

Source: wolffiles.de | ronboyproductions | Vicpas on Youtube: youtube.com/vicpas

BEACH Version:1.1.1
Author Vicpas Date 15.07.2018 Filesize 26,21 MB Download 852

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