

Wolfmap is closed now and gives a Statement

Published in General News



Image Die Zeit ist gekommen...

...um Abschied zu nehmen. In der zehnjährigen Geschichte WolfMap's führten wir die Seite erfolgreich durch gute und schlechte Zeiten.

Aber nun ist die Zeit gekommen den Tatsachen ins Auge zu sehen. Die Anzahl der Spieler schrumpft von Tag zu Tag aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen. Sei es eine Verschiebung der Prioritäten, eine Änderung der Lebensumstände im Privaten Bereich, ein neues hochgelobtes Spiel das heutzutage neben so vielen anderen geradezu inflationär auf den Markt geworfen wurde oder ganz einfach die Tatsache das man das Interesse am Online-Gaming verloren hat. Mit News sah es bereits vor 2009 sehr schlecht aus, wöchentlich gab es weniger....  lese weiter auf Wolfmap

The time has come...

...to say goodbye. During the 10 years of WolfMap's history we successfully led the site through good and bad times.

But now the time has come to face the facts. The amount of players is decreasing from day to day, for the most varied reasons: A movement of priorities, a change of private environment, a new highly acclaimed game that has been released next to so many others, or simply the fact that one lost the interest in online gaming. Already before 2009 it didn't look good for the news, less files were published.... read more on Wolfmap

Quelle: Wolfmap

Dark Alchemy Gaming Community closed soon

Published in ET Scene

Dark Alchemy 2005 ~ 2017 - 12 Years of Gaming

Dear Regulars, Members and Followers, unfortunately we have to announce that on 31 March 2017 Dark Alchemy will be closed permanently.

This difficult decision was taken after a long period of observation, which led us to the conclusion that nowadays the Enemy Territory community is increasingly shrinking, and that for a community like ours, this reduction generates an activity equal or less than 20 % compared to a few years ago, when to enter the server you had to wait a few free slot.

Since 2005 we have been pioneers and have set an excellent base that allowed us to have fun and entertain many players for over 10 years.

Today we are able to decide to close with pride, avoiding to let the time and the lack of players to force us to do so.

For all the work done over the years, and all the players, the members, the former members and donors, who have honoured us with their presence, I express best thanks, hoping that all these years alongside Dark Alchemy, have left in you something pleasant and positive.

Quote: Old-Owl

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DA-Facebook: dark-alchemy

DA-Website: dark-alchemy.com

DA-Forum: dark-alchemy.com/forum

Finally end of TZAC

Published in ET Misc


TZAC news by chaplja - Quote: This is an update to the latest news post where I said there's a chance TZAC may stay online. The news are the negotiations have failed and thus on 1 December it'll be shut down. Please don't ask me to give you the project so you can continue working - it won't happen.

TZAC News von chaplja - Zitat: Dies ist ein Update auf die neuesten Nachrichten wo ich sagte es besteht noch eine Chance TZAC aufrechtzuerhalten. Die Verhandlungen sind aber gescheitert, somit wird am 1. Dezember TZAC endgültig heruntergefahren. Bitte keine Fragen und Überredungen deswegen - das Projekt wird definitiv nicht an andere Personen abgegeben.

Quelle: TZAC

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