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Version 1.4 Specific

Version 1.4 Server Setup Guide

Along with the Return To Castle Wolfenstein version 1.4 release came new functions, features and fixes that can be taken advantage of by server admins and mod teams creating for the game. Here's the complete bucket of info as supplied by TTimo of id Software.

Return To Castle Wolfenstein -- version 1.4
NOTE to server administrators and mod developers

There is a number of changes in version 1.4 of Return To Castle Wolfenstein which are particularly relevant to server administrators and mod developers. This note highlights the new features of multiplayer servers.

New vote flags configuration

The Multiplayer Server Creation menu provides a simple interface to configure which votes are allowed on the server, and which are not. If you don't use the graphical user interface, you can configure the votes in game with the g_voteFlags cvar. g_voteFlags 0 will disable voting completely and g_voteFlags 255 will allow all votes. For a more precise configuration, see the list below:

  • Restart Map 1
  • Reset Match 2
  • Start Match 4
  • Next Map 8
  • Swap Teams 16
  • Game Type 32
  • Kick Player 64
  • Change Map 128

Add up the values of the votes to be allowed and set g_voteFlags accordingly.

Server URL and mod URL

The in-game server browser has a server information button which can display URL and mod URL buttons. These buttons will close the game and open the web browser to URLs configured by the server. There are two cvars to configure the URL buttons:

  • URL is a serverinfo cvar that the server administrator should set to point to a web page about his server. Game statistics, players forum, etc.


  • mod_URL can only be set from the mod code. Mod developers should set mod_URL to point players to the official web pages of their mod. This will spread the news about your mod and get new players involved faster.

Please note that URL cvars are configured as serverinfo. Third party game browsers will be able to support these features as well.

Advanced Guide

Advanced Server Setup Guide

These directions are modifications to the directions that are posted at GameAdmins.com. This is a set of configuration files for the Castle Wolfenstein release that you can use to get your win32/linux server up with in no time.

Remember that this game is based on the Quake3 engine and so most of the standard Quake3 commands and variables work fine on it. For a description of the Quake3 variable meanings see Command Keen's Variables list.

To create a batch file to get your server up and running quickly, go through these steps:

Step 1: Create a WolfMP.bat file

Go to your Return to Castle Wolfenstein Directory (default is C:\Program Files\Return to Castle Wolfenstein). Right Click in a blank space, then select New --> Text Document. Name it "WolfMP.bat".

Open the file up in your favorite text editor and past one of the following two command lines:

Command line for Windows servers:
wolfMP.exe +set dedicated 2 +set net_IP XXX.XXX.X.X +set net_port 27960 +set com_hunkMegs 64 +set com_zoneMegs 24 +set vm_game 0 +exec server.cfg

Command line for Linux servers:
./wolfded +set dedicated 2 +set net_IP XXX.XXX.X.X +set net_port 27960 +set fs_basepath ./ +set com_hunkMegs 64 +set com_zoneMegs 24 +set vm_game 0 +set ttycon 0 +exec server.cfg

Make sure to insert your server's I.P. address where the X's are. The standard port is 27960, but if you already have a q3 server on that port just use 27961.

Step 2: Create a default.cfg file

Create another text file in the /main directory inside the ReturnToCastleWolfenstein directory and name it "default.cfg". This document should actually remain empty. It's just there to prevent bogus fail messages.

Step 3: Create a server.cfg file

Create a document in your /main directory and call it "server.cfg". The server.cfg is the main startup config and calls all the other configuration files (except default.cfg - Wolfenstein calls those automatically).

Paste the following into the server.cfg file:

// Public Info
exec public.cfg

// Server Config
seta sv_pure 1
seta com_hunkMegs "96"
seta com_zoneMegs "32"

// General Settings
seta sv_maxclients "26"
seta sv_privateClients "2"
seta sv_fps "20"
seta g_friendlyFire "1"
seta g_warmup "20"
seta sv_zombietime "1"
seta g_inactivity "120"

// Voting
seta g_allowVote "0"
seta g_complaintlimit "3"
seta g_teamForceBalance "1"

// Extras
seta sv_maxPing "500"
seta sv_minPing "0"
seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta sv_maxRate "7000"

// Server Passwords
seta rconpassword ":]"
seta sv_privatePassword ":["

// Game Type Settings
// Set the type of game: 5=Custom
seta g_gametype 5
seta timelimit "20"

// Start the Game Map
exec MapRotate.cfg

You can, of course, alter these settings.




Maximum number of players that can connect
Number of private reserved slots
Set max frames/second the server sends the client
Friendly fire (0 = off; 1 = on)
Warmup time in seconds
# of minutes before inactive players are booted

Allow voting (0 = off; 1 = on)
Max # of playerkilling complaints before booting
Automatic evening of teamss

Maximum allowable ping
Minimum allowable ping
Toggles server flood protection
Sets the upper limit on rate for all players

Sets password for remote console control of the server
Sets password for private clients to login with
Time limit for each round

See Command Keen's Variables list for a more complete list of variables that you can include in this .cfg file.

Step 4: Create a MapRotate.cfg file

Create a document in your /main directory and call it "MapRotate.cfg". Paste the following into it:

// Start the Game Map

set d1 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_depot; set nextmap vstr d1a"
set d1a "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d1b"
set d1b "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d1c"
set d1c "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_assault ; set nextmap vstr d2a"
set d2a "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d2b"
set d2b "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d2c"
set d2c "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_sub ; set nextmap vstr d3a"
set d3a "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d3b"
set d3b "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d3c"
set d3c "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_village ; set nextmap vstr d4a"
set d4a "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d4b"
set d4b "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d4c"
set d4c "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d5"
set d5 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_base ; set nextmap vstr d5a"
set d5a "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d5b"
set d5b "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d5c"
set d5c "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_assault ; set nextmap vstr d6a"
set d6a "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d6b"
set d6b "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d6c"
set d6c "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d7"
set d7 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_castle ; set nextmap vstr d7a"
set d7a "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d7b"
set d7b "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d7c"
set d7c "map_restart; set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1

You can change the maps in rotation by editing this file and taking out the sections for the maps you don't want, or moving them around to rotate in a different order.

Step 5: Create a Public.cfg file

The public.cfg file contains information about your server that the public can find out, as well as the designating what master server lists the server reports to. Create a document in your /main directory and call it "Public.cfg". Paste the following into it:

// Server Config
seta sv_hostname "SERVERNAME"
seta g_motd "MESSAGE_OF_THE_DAY"

// public info
seta "Administrator" "ADMIN_NAME"
seta "Email" "EMAIL_ADDRESS"
seta "url" "URL"
seta "Location" "LOCATION"
seta "icq" "ICQ_NUMBER"
seta "Clan" "CLAN_NAME"
seta "Connection" "CONNECTION_SPEED"

// add up to 4 additional master servers to report to
seta sv_master1 "wolfmaster.idsoftware.com"

Edit the fields in all caps above, filling in the correct information for your server.

Okay, you should be all set! Make sure all those .cfg files are in your /main Wolfenstein directory, then start your server with the .bat file!


Basic Guide

Setting Up a Server

Setting up a server in Return to Castle Wolfenstein is pretty easy, but as my mom would say don't expect to make silk out of a sow's ear. (Yeah, my mom's weird.) What that means is that if your machine and 'net connection aren't beefy enough, your server will be chock full of lag and may suffer from performance issues. Experiment and see if you got what it takes.

Creating a Server

To set up a server on the 'net, click on the multiplayer option from the main menu. From there, you should see the server browser. Near the top of the page, find the Create Server option and click on it. This will take you to the server creation page (blow up the picture on the right to see what it looks like).

Basic Options

Here you choose various server settings for your game. Here's a rundown:

Friendly Fire
Determines whether or not fire from the same team hurts teammates.

Game Type
Choose between Objective, Stopwatch, or Checkpoint modes. The map list on the left will change to show what maps are available for each mode.

This is an important setting! It allows you to choose from "No" (you can play on the server from the same machine), "Internet" (creates a dedicated server that closes Wolfenstein, but performs better), or "LAN" (creates a game only accessible by people on your local area network). For best results for your server, choose a Internet Dedicated server.

Host Name
The name of your server. This is what will appear on server lists.

Friendly Fire
Turns friendly fire (i.e., fire from teaammates hurts) on or off. Maxiumum Players
Sets an upper limit on how many players can join your game. Generally, more players means more lag and more stress on your machine.

Min/Max Ping
Lets you set the minimum or maximum ping for your server. Useful if you only want those with high or low pings on your server. Leave both at 0 to set no limitations.

Even Teams?
Setting this to "yes" will automatically spread players out when one side has too many.

Synchronous Client?
This synchronizes the client and the server. It's necessary to have this turned on to record demos.

Max Rate
Allows you to set the max rate for your server.

Zombie Time
Allows you to set the zombie time for you server.

Reconnect Limit
Allows you to set the max number of times that someone can repeatedly try to connect to your server. Enable Voting?
Setting to "Yes" allows players to vote for things like map changes and player kicking.

Pure Server
If set to "yes" this will require clients connecting to the server to have the exact same pak files as the server is running.

Sets a password for the server, making it private.

Advanced Options

There are also some advanced options you can access by clicking on "Advanced".

Time Limit
Sets the time limit, in minutes, for each map.

Allied Respawn
Sets the time, in seconds, between Allied respawns.

Axis Respawn
Sets the time, in seconds, between Axis respawns.

Max Lives
Sets the maximum number of times each player can respawn per round. Set to "0" to give infinite lives.

TK Compliant Limit
Number of complaints that a team killer can receive before being booted from the server.

Stopwatch Round Mode
Sets the structure of the stopwatch rounds.

Enable Tourney Mode
Lets you turn on Tourney mode. This mode keeps players from switching teams or joining a game in progress so that things can be run more like a tournament.

Min Clients Before Tourney Starts
Lets you determine the minimum number of players you want in your tournament round before it begins.


Once you have everything how you want it, hit "Accept" to launch your server!

Getting Your Server Listed in the in-game Browser or GameSpy Arcade

Both the in-game browser and GameSpy Arcade's server lists work off the same master server list at id. If you run a Internet Dedicated server (see above), then your server should automatically be picked up in these lists. It may, however, take a few minutes.






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