

UJE Xmas Mappack (3 Maps)

Published in ET Maps

Enemy Territory Christmas Mappack with 3 new UJE maps and waypoints - UJE Christmas, UJE Xmas Factory and UJE Castle Xmas made by [UJE] Niek

The first map is the updated Christmas tank ,Allied objective
The second map is an updated snipermap with axis objective in it.Castle xmas is the name
The thirth map is also an axis objective map called xmas Factory where axis have to try and assasinate Santa

 [UJE] Christmas - The alies have to escort the tank to the santa's building and destroy the presents there. Axis have to stop the alies.

UJE christmas

Special stuff:
* 2 moving trucks
* 1 funny car that flies to objective
* A carnaval train
* some christmas sounds
* a giant carnaval wheel
* a Carousel

[UJE] Xmas Factory - Axis forces are planning an assasination on Santa in his Factory. They have to get inside the guarded factory to get the special dagger to assasinate Santa in his bedroom.
To get to the factory they have to steal the tank first to gain acces to the Factory.Then they have to steal a key to open the gates to the dagger and Santa's bedroom.
The allied forces have to stop the Axis and prevent assasination of Santa.

UJE xmas factory

Axis objective:
*Blow the damaged garage side wall to access the tank!
*Escort the tank through the Town to secure advance spawns!
*Blow the Sewer Door Side Entrance and the Stair Well Door Side Entrance to progress!
*Capture the Old Village spawn for 7 seconds!
*Build the North and South Assault Ramps, the Neutral Command post, and blow the Trench Side Wall!
*Blow the Main Factory Door to access the Key and Dagger and capture the forward tower spawn!
*Steal the Gate key to open the Gates that guard the Dagger to unlock them!
*Steal the Dagger and run it to Santa to assasinate him!

[UJE] Castle Xmas - The Axis have invaded Santa's Castle. They are trying to steal his magic Crown so they can manipulate Xmas.
They have to steal it and escape with the sledge. Allies have to do defend the crown at all costs.

UJE castle xmas

Thanks alot guys you keep this game alive. Have fun with the maps **merry christmas and a happy newyear!

Source: ujeclan.com


XMAS MAPPACK (UJE) Version:3 Maps
Author [UJE] Niek Date 11.12.2016 Filesize 55,57 MB Download 457

Coop Wolfkrieg Castle SP Map Misssion

Published in RtCW Maps

This is a Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single-player, two-map mission that has been converted for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod by {WeB}*GANG$TA* of the Wolfenstein European Brigade Clan.

Storyline Part One
You must attack and gain entry into the formidable Wolfkrieg Castle. It is a heavily defended Wehrmacht communication center where the German High Command have drawn up their battle plans to repel the Allied advance.
They intend to transmit those plans to the German front lines as soon as possible but, fortunately for Allied Command, poor weather conditions are hampering their efforts.

Your Mission:
# Destroy all alarm systems to prevent German reinforcements being alerted.
# Kill all German officers that you find there.
# Steal the first copy of their battle plans
# Find any secret areas
# Make your way to the next part of Wolfkrieg Castle

Storyline Part Two
You are now deep inside Wolfkrieg Castle, elements of Helga Von Bulow's Elite Guard are searching for you, as is a detachment of the deadly Blackguard paratroopers. Be alert at all times, they will not stop hunting for you.
Be warned, there are civilians in this part of the castle, if you kill them your mission is doomed to failure.

Your Mission:
# Find the second copy of the battle plans
# Kill all German officers
# Find any secret areas
# Destroy as many of the enemy forces as you can and escape

Map Convertion Story
This is what {WeB}*GANG$TA* had to say about the map:
"I never made any part of these maps, I merely converted them to RtCW Cooperative Mod. All I could find out about the maps' origins is that they are about 10 years old and had several names, such as, "Enemy Castle", "Nightmare Castle" and "Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2".
The maps were created by Vladimir and Andrey, again, that's all I know about them, their emails do not feature in the map "read me" file. These maps are marvelous and deserve to be played far more often than they are as RtCW SP missions. Hopefully my conversion of them will achieve that very thing." - {WeB}*GANG$TA*

Thanks to
{WeB}*GANG$TA* would like to thank the following people:
# Vladimir and Andrey for creating these excellent maps
# Fretn and his very talented RtCW Cooperative Crew
# SSF Sage for his excellent RtCW Coop Conversion tutorial
# Masahari, {WeB}*Kariboe*, {WeB}*Coisty* and {WeB}*DOG* for all their help, encouragement and testing of the maps and also for all their support of the superb Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod

Source: rtcwcoop.com | webclan.freeforums.org | wolffiles.de
SSF Sage's RtCW Cooperative conversion tutorial: bzzwolfsp/wiki

Author {WeB}*GANG$TA* Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 11,37 MB Download 984

RtCW SP Addon Hell Mappack 1 + 2

Published in RtCW Maps

RtCW Single player Addon Hell Mappack 1 + 2

The Mission:
Alied spies have reported that the Germans have set up a lab near an underground tunnel. They are taking coffins out of the tunnel and experimenting on the zombies inside the coffins. The German Armed Forces are also taking various treasures from the tunnel.
Your orders are to infiltrate the lab and stop the Axis at all costs. They cannot be allowed to continue disturbing the dead from their sleep. Be careful, Allied spies also report that some lopers are at the lab.

Source: wolffiles.de | gamebanana.com | moddb.com/ronboy


HELL MAPPACK (SP) Version:1.0
Author Ron and Mike Smith Date 17.02.2010 Filesize 10,17 MB Download 974

HELL MAPPACK 2 (SP) Version:1.0
Author Ron and Mike Smith Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 12.1 MB Download 692

Alone at War (1-5) Version 1.1

Published in RtCW Maps

Alone at War Version 1.1 - RtCW SP Mappack (1-5) by KoS and Vicpas

Description: The Offlag series of Return to Castle Wolfenstein single-player maps are difficult to complete, therefore, you will have to incorporate different tactics in order to complete this 5-map mission.

Changes on this version:
# A new main menu has been added
# A 5th level has been added - ( Created by KoS and edited by Vicpas)
# New sounds
# New textures
# New models

Installation Instructions:
# Unzip the files to your C:Program FilesReturn to Castle Wolfenstein folder.
# Play using the shortcut called "Alone_at_War" and when the main menu appears, click on play button and after choose your skill level.
# If you have RtCW installed in another directory other than your C: drive,  you will have to edit your shortcut accordingly.

Thanks to:
KoS and Vicpas would like to thank the following people:
# Zenith_ply for the new tank model
# Ronboy for editing the briefings texts and map testing
# Pazur for the lightblock texture
# Shurr for the new converted models and map testing
# Project 51 team for their aircraft models
# Horst for map testing

Source: gamebanana.com | wolffiles.de

ALONE AT WAR (1-5) Version:1.1
Author KoS and Vicpas Date 23.09.2014 Filesize 63,86 MB Download 1209

SP-Mission Devil Manor 1-3

Published in RtCW Maps

Yo$hik hat für RtCW, in nur einem Monat Arbeit, eine kleine Singleplayer-Mission erstellt. Die Mission hat 3 Map-Levels, sowie überarbeitete Texturen, Skins und Sound.
Spielen solltet ihr die Mission Devil Manor mit der RtCW Version 1.0, da unter der Version 1.4 die Speicherstände nicht geladen werden bzw. die Levels nicht korekt abschliessen.

Viel Spass.


Image Image Image


Quelle: Wolfmap

DEVIL MANOR 1-3 (SP) Version:1.0
Author Yo$hik Date 02.01.2010 Filesize 33,54 MB Download 1120

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