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The Axis forces have built an anti-ship battery on the coast of Norway, the allies must destroy it in order to guarantee safe passage for all Allied shipping.

~~~New section of the map!~~~

A totally new barack-section is maded to give the map better flow
The new section got 4 enter-able houses.

The allies can acces it eighter by cvops (dressed)(disguised) or by jumps or by destroying the gate.(new)
2h/a cabinets. both on tactical places

+ the very special target (default used for mortars) that shows the place where the keycard is located, (when the keycard is stolen it shows where it should be secured


A lot of bugs has been fixed since b4: *construct the commandpost x2 -fixed *3x z-fighting places (flickering shadows)


Details Object
Typ pk3
Size 5.67 MB
Downloads 219
Author ove
Website Homepage
Created 29.04.2014
(2 votes)






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